ECMAR is organised arround 9 working groups

ECMAR's technology outlook for 2030

ECMAR’s technology outlook for 2030 is for a more ecofriendly, smarter and a safer maritime industry. The priority research areas address societal, global, and industrial challenges to deliver a more eco-friendly, safer, and competitive maritime industry, for a sustainable future. Many of these areas will embrace the application of new disruptive technologies, alongside the more traditional areas of research, development, and innovation. In the future, more vessels will offer superior energy efficiency with renewable energy sources to reduce fuel consumption, eliminate harmful emissions, and lower its impact on the environment. These improvements will be through measures such as improved hydrodynamic design, the use of lightweight materials, and advanced hybrid-power generation systems, with energy storage to optimise performance. Digitalisation will spur automation, which will lead to the development of smart ships, and positively impact safety and environmental performance. Transformative technologies will lead to advances in ship design and operation, smart manufacturing, and blue growth. These technologies will undoubtedly improve competitiveness, safety, security and environmental protection for the maritime industry

ECMAR key priorities and working groups

ECMAR is organised arround 9 key priorities and working groups to fulfill these objectives: 


- GREEN SHIPS AND SHIPPING Zero-emission ships to eliminate harmful environmental impact.

- SAFETY AND SECURITY Zero-casualty shipping with improved incident prevention, and improved vessel security measures

- CONNECTED AND AUTOMATED MARITIME TRANSPORT Autonomous ships, robots, shore-based control, and fully autonomous port operations

- INTEGRATED TRANSPORT LOGISTICS Secure and safe shipping, digitally connected and integrated into the global transport systems

- HUMAN FACTORS Improve the maritime human-machine interface and the associated human factors

- MATERIALS AND PRODUCTION More resilient ships and offshore structures, for more extreme weather conditions

- ACOUSTIC AND UNDERWATER NOISE Less noise and vibration emissions from the ships

- ARCTIC OPPORTUNITIES Safe and sustainable operations in Arctic regions, with zero environmental impact

- BLUE GROWTH Sustainable Blue Economy to meet increasing demand for food and renewable energy


Click here to discover EU projects related to these working groups




ECMAR Position Paper - A Vision for European Maritime RDI 2030

The purpose of this position paper is to provide a catalyst and focus for future research, development, and innovation, in order to address global and societal challenges and to present collaboration opportunities for ECMAR members