Benefits of Membership
The benefits for the members of the ECMAR association are:
- Organised representation in Brussels of the interests of the maritime applied research organisations.
- Participation to ECMAR annual brokerage event
- The active participation of ECMAR at meetings in Brussels.
- Influence on the European policy through the critical mass of the association.
- Initiation and coordination of membership activities related to EU level Sector Initiatives (e.g. Waterborne TP, Vessel for the Future PPP), networks, projects and R&D agendas.
- A contribution to the European research and innovation programs.
- An active European network through meetings and seminars.
- First hand information on ongoing developments in the European Maritime Research environment.
- Regular Newsflashes and periodic Newsletters - with information on relevant EC developments and reports of ECMAR activities.
How to Join ECMAR
Membership or Associated membership is made by formal approach to the Director, who will supply further information and the appropriate application forms. Membership fees are calculated annually and the fee is related to the size of the organisation, as shown below. Membership is open model basins, maritime research organisations and the many engineering companies and design offices, who undertake and publish their research activity or which participate in EU research projects.
Annual Membership Fees:
- < 25 employees €750
- < 100 employees €1500
- ⩾100 employees €2500
The Membership application form (below) has to be filled and sent to the Director ( director
Membership applications made to the Director are considered and recommended by the Council, after which Membership takes immediate effect, with ratification by the next ECMAR General Assembly.